Newsletter · EERA JP Wind · Autumn 2017

This is the eighth bi-annual newsletter for the EERA Joint Programme on Wind Energy (EERA JP Wind) after EERA JP Wind has successfully acquired the EU-funded IRPWind project

Feel free to distribute the newsletter among your colleagues and friends!

Introduction by the new daily manager

Dear colleagues,

I am Lesly Barton-Stam and as per 1st of October I will be the new EERA JP Wind interim daily manager. I would like to take this opportunity to present myself. 

I am from the Netherlands and have worked at ECN for the past 10 years. First as a secretary at the Solar Energy and Communications department and from 2013 as a Project Management Assistant at Wind Energy.  I am married to Paul and have two children (Finn (boy) 3.5 years old and Sanne (girl) 7.5 months old). 

I am very much looking forward to start my activities for EERA JP Wind! If you have any questions please contact me at following email-address

Lesly Barton-Stam, ECN


Wind energy community joins in Amsterdam at IRPWind Conference 

In just a few days the final IRPWind conference will take place from 25-26 September. The event will allow the research community and industry as well as policy makers to meet and discuss wind energy Research & Development. 

Registration has been a success with more than 110 representatives from the wind energy industry and research community as well as policy makers. 

The programme will include a mix of plenary presentations with a broad appeal and presentations in parallel sessions. The first day will include a poster presentation on specific science and technology themes and in the evening there will be a networking dinner on a cruise through the port of Amsterdam. 

For more details, download the conference brochure or visit the IRPWind website.

We look forward to seeing you in Amsterdam!

Martijn van Roermund, ECN

Workshop on O&M training

How can education and training help fill the gap in O&M and health and safety? What education and training is needed to ensure first-class workers to sustain the industry’s growth? 

At this workshop, hosted by the EU-funded project SKILLWIND, education and training experts in the wind industry and representatives of the European institutions will address these important challenges.

Please click here to join the workshop!

SKILLWIND’s main goal is to standardise the O&M training structure via the integration of Global Wind Organisation (GWO) modules for health and safety, and innovative training tools such as an app for smart phones.

Find out more about SKILLWIND.

Presenting IRPWind at the WindEurope Conference & Exhibition in Amsterdam

How to integrate and harmonise wind energy research activities across Europe? How can joint collaborative project strengthen the EU’s level of excellence in research? How to improve the transfer of Intellectual Properties and Technology from the research community to the wind industry? 

Join us at the WindEurope Conference & Exhibition in Amsterdam to find out the answer!

The IRPWind team will host a booth on the exhibition floor where sector stakeholders will explain how the IRPWind project contributes to the optimisation of wind energy research activities in Europe and to the market uptake of new innovative R&D products.

At the IRPWind booth, you can also find out more about the IP Showcase, an online platform where researchers can display their intellectual output and technological achievements to the entire wind energy community. Through the use of this IP database the technology transfer process from the research community to the industry will be faster and more efficient.

Alexander Vandenberghe, WindEurope


EERA DeepWind 2018 – Call for Abstracts & opening of registration

The 2018 DeepWind conference is hosted by SINTEF and NTNU and organized in cooperation with the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) joint programme on wind energy. This international event aims at presenting the best on-going R&D on deep sea offshore wind farms, both bottom fixed and floating. 

Join us in Trondheim and submit your abstract now.

The deadline for abstract submission is 15 October 2017.

Please send your one or two page (A4) abstract in English as a Microsoft Word or Acrobat PDF file by e-mail to

Preparation of full papers is optional. These will go through a full peer-review and successful submissions will be published on-line in the Journal of Physics Conference Series. There will be an award for best poster.

Also we would like to announce that the registration is now open. Please use this link to register. We strongly suggest you register well in advance, as there are only 200 seats available.  

For more information on the DeepWind conference please visit the website

IRPWind news

A new report on geotechnical tests with model structures

In line with the actions outline in IRPWind work Package 7.2, Fraunhofer IWES, Aalborg University and ForWind-Hannover have designed and performed experiments to support probabilistic calculations and to enable the evaluation of the reliability of offshore wind turbine support structures and their foundations. Last August the work on geotechnical experiments on a large scale level was successfully concluded and summarized in a new report (deliverable 7.2.2) of work Package 7.2.

The experiments have been performed in a well-defined, sandy and water saturated soil resembling the North Sea environment, in a large geotechnical test pit (10m deep, 14m long and 9m wide) which is a part of the new Test Center for Support Structures in Hannover. Testing of the monopiles focused on the evaluation of the maximum static bearing capacity when axially loaded and on their dynamic behaviour when penetrating soil, (see Fig.1).

The large-scaled tested piles cover a broad range of different jacket piles (L/D ratios) and fill a gap in the available investigated geometries that can be found in the literature. The obtained experimental data were used to get a better understanding of the model error of API and CPT-based methods and are further processed by IRPWind partners in WP7.4 for the evaluation of the reliability level of offshore wind turbine support structures.

Andreas Makris, CRES


News from partners

ECN submits proposal on atmospheric inflow and turbine response: WindFusion

Recently the WindFusion project proposal has been submitted to the EU H2020 call LCE-06-2017 (topic Wind Energy). The main aim of the proposal is to better understand the interaction between the stochastic atmospheric inflow and the aerodynamic and aero-elastic response for current (10 MW) and near-future (20 MW) wind turbines. 
For such large turbines, fundamental physical uncertainties and unknowns have been identified (amongst other in the current EU FP7 project AVATAR) in the characterization of inflow and its aero-elastic response. Thereto it should be realised that the inflow contains a broad range of turbulent scales ranging from huge atmospheric wind field variations (kilometre-scale, hour-scale) to micro-scale turbulence that drive the development of the blade boundary layer (millimetre-scale, second-scale). All of these scales have their specific interactions to the turbine response which are modelled insufficiently accurate by current methods.  

High-fidelity simulations of the full range of scales, even when using high-performance computing, have always been too costly to support the entire design process. WindFusion integrates the knowledge and tools from the consortium on the field of wind modelling, aerodynamics and structural response for the first time into an overall high fidelity modelling approach making use of hitherto unavailable high performance computing technology. The results from the high fidelity approach will be used to improve computational efficient, i.e. industrial suitable approaches. The individual components in the design approach are balanced in terms of uncertainties, making use of new uncertainty quantification techniques.

The overall result of the project is then a reduction of uncertainties in design methods. An assessment using advanced cost modelling techniques of the impact of these reduced uncertainties on the design and cost of energy for current 10MW+ wind turbines is included too. 

The consortium of the proposal consists of the Technical University of Delft (NL, coordinator), Energy Research Center of the Netherlands (NL), Danish Technical University (DK), Technical University of Munich (DE), University of Stuttgart (DE), Centro Nacional De Energias Renovables (ES), National Technical University of Athens (GR), GE Global Research (DE), Université Catholique de Louvain (BE) and University of Florence (IT). The consortium is further complimented with 2 partners from the USA:  National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories.
Koen Boorsma, ECN


The future of IRPWind

Towards the EERA JP Wind Open Data strategy

The first step towards the EERA JP Wind Open Data strategy has been concluded with the upload of the taxonomy of the Wind Energy Topics on the IRPWind home page. The IRPWind Taxonomy of the wind energy sector topic is now adopted and online.

A roadmap towards the full international approval has been created including a series of key events as a vehicle on the road towards the international acknowledgment. This task is led by Stephan Barth, Director of Forwind.

The first organization to express an interest to adopt the new taxonomy has been the International Energy Agency, and in particular the IEA task 11 “Base technology information Exchange” for cataloguing IEA experts according to their field of expertise. Ignacio Marti, Chair for the IEA Wind Energy has stated that the “IRPWind Taxonomy is a significant step forward to reach a common understanding of the structure of topics within wind energy research area. The adoption of IRPWind taxonomy will help to organize our activities more efficiently.

The Taxonomy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.common.

Anna Maria Sempreviva, DTU

Suggestions and feedback?

If you have any topic suggestions for the next newsletter, or if you have ideas on how to improve it, feel free to send your input to Martijn van Roermund.

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