Charlotte Bay Hasager presenting

The future of Wind Farm design

Friday 05 Feb 16


Martijn van Roermund
Advisor Wind Farms, ECN
M: +31 6 1045 4534
IRPWind and EERA DTOC project presents latest research results to the wind industry

The 18th of November 2015 the IRPWind and EERA DTOC project joined forces and presented latest research results to the wind industry during the European Wind Energy Association Annual Conference in Paris.

IRPWind: The IRPWind (Integrated Research Programme Wind) aims to reduce the time to market of research and development efforts through efficient cooperation. The key topic is integration.
In 3 sessions, IRPWind presented and discussed open data sharing in wind energy, how forecasting will change the future energy market, and how the research community can help kick-start R&D initiatives, both financially and content-wise.

EERA DTOC: The DTOC (Design Tool for Offshore wind farm Cluster) project has resulted in a spin-off software called Wind & Economy that optimises wind farm design for cost of energy, taking into account the wind climate of clustering wind farms, wake information and grid design considerations. This session gave a real time demonstration on how to use the tool for wind farm planning.

All the presentations used during the event can be found via below link:

IRPWind – knowledge transfer: LINK