EERA Subprogramme kick-off in november 2014 with 22 participants from 14 different EERA Wind Member institutions
Wednesday 19 Nov 14
New EERA SUB-PROGRAMME on Economic and social aspects of wind integration
A new sub-programme was launched in October 2014. The new sub-programme will explore the major economic and social challenges for wind energy now and in the future and will investigate how they can be addressed and mitigated.
The sub-programme was approved by the EERA Wind steering committee in September '14. From the launch there has been very good support to the new sub-programme.
The official kick-off meeting of the sub-programme was held at DTU Management Engineering in Roskilde (Denmark) in November 2014 with 22 participants from 14 different EERA Wind member institutions.
The objective of the sub-programme is to explore major economic and social challenges for wind energy and to investigate how they can be addressed and mitigated. In addition, research activities will be aligned in the area of economic and social aspects of wind integration to lay a scientific foundation for the long term cost-effective development of wind energy and its successful deployment in energy systems.
This will be done by:
1. Supporting other sub-programmes by adding economic and social perspectives into the analysis. This includes aspects relating to society, technology, environmental and economic challenges of wind integration.
2. Independent research activities.
Within the sub-programme six core Research Themes (RT) have been identified:
RT1: Component and system costs of wind energy
RT2: Economic incentives and support mechanisms for wind energy
RT3: Adapting power markets for wind energy
RT4: Economics of integration of wind into energy systems
RT5: Externalities and environmental issues of wind energy including Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
RT6: Public engagement strategies for wind energy and planning
Of these six RT's organisation of work in RT2, RT4 and RT6 has already started and RT1 will follow in spring 2015. Organisation of work in the remaining RT's will start up during 2015.
All EERA Wind members are welcome to contribute to the sub-programme. For more information and to show expression of interest in the RT's please send an email to Klaus Skytte.