1. Eligibility criteria
Who can participate:
Staff from EERA Participant organisations, from PhD to senior scientists.
How to apply:
The application should follow a submission of a form, downloadable from the IRPWind home page, and then submitted online.
When to apply:
- Application can be submitted continuously until the 31st of August, 2017.
- Grants must end no later than 23rd of December 2017.
2. Mobility scheme
There are two mobility schemes with different target groups:
2.1. Mobility scheme of 2 to 4 weeks for IRP Wind and EERA Managers. The purpose of this scheme is to stimulate the mobility of managers in the EERA organizations to meet and discuss for laying down strategic action plans and other collaborative efforts.
2.2 Mobility scheme of 4 to 26 weeks for all scientists. The purpose of this scheme is to increase flexibility in the choice of the grant duration as requested by EERA researchers during discussions during the IRPWind general assemblies.
3. Funding Model
Grants for periods from 2 to 4 weeks
A sum of 161 Euro/day will be granted to successful applicants.
Grants for periods between 4 and 26 weeks
An amount of 105 Euro/day will be granted to successful applicants.
For both schemes the financial rules remain unchanged.
- Travel expenses and an advanced payment of 70% of the total grant will be issued immediately.
The remainder of the grant will be issued after the approval of the final report.
Travel expenses from/ to home Organization will be a lump sum of 600 Euro.
Daily allowance will be granted in the following cases:
During weekends in the grant period.
During National holidays in the host country.
For vacations periods held during the grant up to two days per month, only for 3 and 6 month grants. The vacation days can be cumulated during the whole grant period.
Daily allowance will NOT be granted in the following cases:
Vacation periods held during the grant exceeding the above mentioned two days per month
- During days off held in connection to National holidays in the researchers home country exceeding the above mentioned two days per month.
4. Evaluation procedure of the applications
- Each application will be reviewed by a panel of 3 persons (The coordinator of the most relevant sub-programme and 2 chosen from the pool of reviewers)
- The panel will assess the application and score it according to fixed criteria and a given grading scale.
- The applications will be ranked and the highest scores will be granted according to the criteria identified in Table 1 and 2.
Evaluation criteria:
Table 1. Evaluation criteria.
Table 2. Grading score for each proposal.
5. Time schedule of the evaluation procedure
- Results of the evaluation: within three weeks from the application deadline.
- Start of the grant: within three months from the approval.
6. Application form (max. 6 pages)
The application form must be downloaded from the IRPWIND homepage and submitted online.
Outline of the application template:
6.1 Introduction
- Research topics and originality.
- Technological Readiness Level (TRL) of the proposed concept.
- Definition of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
- Description of links to relevant EERA Sub Programmes (SP) and/or IRPWIND Core Projects (CP).
6.2 Description of relevant national projects aligned to the proposed activities at the home, receiving or both institutions.
Including milestones, funding services, research activity (demonstration, apllied research, basic research (etc.). Please consider that at least one of the partners should have a national project relevant to the proposal.
- Description of national project from receiving institution (please erase if not actual).
- Description of national project from sending institution (please erase if not actual).
- Foreseen European added value of national alignment.
- Description of the host institute: e.g. infrastructure, experience etc.
6.3 Work Plan
- Deliverables, milestones etc.
6.4 Benefits to EERA objective advancement
- Contribution to the advancement of the EERA strategy goals, gaps addressed.
6.5 Dissemination and Transfer of Knowledge (TOK) to other IRP and EERA Wind participants
- Explain Tok or dissemination strategies and plan of future collaboration with other IRP/EERA partners.
6.6 Expected results:
- Methodologies and/or databases and/or best practices functional to the activities of the IRP and EERA strategic agenda objectives.
- Assessment of the advancement of the TRL.
- Assessment of the KPIs.
Application must be supplemented by
- A Curriculum Vitae.
- A letter of interest from both the host and the sending organizations.
7. Procedure after the completion of the grant
- A final report will be due within one month of the completion of the grant. The report must be filled and submitted online.
- A questionnaire about the evaluation of the schemes must be filled online by the recipient, the host and the sending institution referents.
- The final report will be reviewed by the panel that evaluated the proposal (The coordinator of the most relevant sub-programme and 2 chosen from the pool of reviewers).
- The evaluation of the panel approval will be within 2 weeks of receiving the report.
- The sum remainder of the grant will be issued after the approval of the final report and the submission of the questionnaire.
8. Final report form (max 4 pages, ex. tables & figures)
The Final Report must be submitted online at the IRPWIND homepage.
Outline of the final report form:
- Description of the work and major results.
- Compliance to the expected results, Key Performance indicators KPIs and the advancement of Technological Readiness Level accorrding to the application.
- Description of the benefit for the researcher, the host and home organization and IRP programme.
- Future perspectives. (Future research, availability of databases to other parties, expected publications and dissemination activities.