2nd call for Joint Experiments

(Please notice that on January 18 2017 there has been made minor modifications to the application form: Point 7,  Project description and General rules in the Appendix)

We now announce the 2nd call for Joint Experiment proposals!

Below you will find guidelines setting out general rules and constraints applicable to the preparation and submission and processing of applications for Joint Experiments. These guidelines is also available for download here.

Main differences with respect to the 1st call:

  1. The 2nd call for Joint Experiments will be open to all technical topics

  2. Evaluation criterion is adding new point about more participants per proposal and RI complementarity

  3. Adding new topic to create Open Data Sets 

To improve the 2nd call process, the document Rules & Conditions has been updated considering the experience gained with the 1st call process. Please find the updated Rules & Conditions here

1. Objectives

This call aims to activate EERA JP WIND members to collaborate in proposing and performing joint experiments and disseminating the results to the wide wind energy community. The call provides the framework to develop proposal for experiments that will be evaluated, using the criteria listed in section 4 "Selection Procedure for proposals".

Perform Joint Experiments
The 2nd call for Joint Experiments is open to all topics and in this second edition of the call it is expected to receive numerous proposals with diversity of subjects. The revised criteria for scoring the proposals will rank the most interesting experiments to be proposed for funding, having in account the level of coordination with more partners in the same proposal and looking to combine research facilities capacities.

There will be as many projects funded as the available budget will cover.

Experiments results as Open Data
Data from the experiments should benefit ongoing or planned national and/or European projects and results and data should be openly shared with at least the EERA JP Wind members. The level of open access to data produced by the experiment will be a priority criterion, when evaluating the proposals.

Additionally, in this 2nd call a special opportunity it is offered for developing projects on Open Data Set (ODS). These should be projects in which one or several organisations will create a data set to be used openly by all EERA JP WIND members. In contrast with the Joint Experiments, these projects are focusing on creating an ODS with already existing data. No experiments will be performed. The data can come from different sources meaning real sites, machines, equipment and/or infrastructures in real operation, but also it can come from scaled set ups or prototype projects performed as experiments in laboratories and/or test facilities. The proposals have to explain the convenience of creating such ODS, describing the way in which the users will have access to the data and the manner to effectively use the data provided. Special relevance will have the expected impact of such data for ongoing research activities in the industry and research community.

There will be as many projects funded as the available budget will cover. The maximum allocated budget for Open Data Set projects is 50,000€.

2. Eligibility - Who Might Apply for Joint Experiment Grants

This call is open to all EERA JP WIND members. A consortium of at least three IRPWIND partners and EERA JP WIND institutions, led by one IRPWIND member will be a requisite to create a proposal. The revised IRPWIND DoW (version 16-10-2015) is considering the funding of EERA JP WIND members activities in the Joint Experiments. In this 2nd call it will be possible to integrate the consortium institutions from the EERA JP WIND programme subcontracted by the IRPWIND partners participating in that proposal. Third parties will be invited to join the proposal whenever it is demonstrated that they are fulfilling exclusive technical activities that no other institution from EERA JP WIND organisation is willing to offer and they will come with their own funding.

Regarding the proposals to create an Open Data Set, it will not be necessary to create a consortium. The project can be developed by an individual IRPWIND partner or by a consortium of several organisations including EERA JP WIND members. 

2.1. What will the grant cover

The grant will cover the following expenses. However, the H2020 funding rules will overrule the project-specific funding rules:

  • Cost of the infrastructures (bench rates or amortization proportional to the utilization during the experiments).
  • Man month exclusively dedicated to execute the experiment, considering all the tasks necessary to design, set and perform the experiment. It will be also included the man months related to data post-processing. Man months related to research activities will NOT be accepted.
  • In the case of Open Data Set: Man months exclusively dedicated to create a data set from raw data from previous experiments.
  • Materials and consumables for the experiments, including auxiliary items specific for the experiment.
  • Expenses to organize a Final Workshop where the experiment and results will be presented to the EERA JP WIND community.
  • Shipping of specific equipment related to the experiments.
  • Travel expenses to and from the experiment location for persons directly involved in the experiment. The travel budget should be specified in the budget template.

The budget amount per experiment will not exceed 150,000 €.

2.2 Funding Model

When a proposal and the associated budget have been approved, the partner implements the work and reports and documents the expenses as part of the normal yearly reporting of the IRPWIND. Subsequently money will be transferred from DTU as coordinator, when the periodic financial reporting has been approved by the EC. For non-IRPWIND partners they will receive payments in accordance to the contract the agreed on with their consortium.

3. Open call and key dates

This is the 2nd call out of two. This call corresponds to the third working period of the IRPWIND project. There will be no more calls for Joint Experiments in the IRPWIND project.

The deadline to present proposals will be 15th of February 2017. The proposals will be sent to the Research Infrastructures Subprogram Coordinator (CENER / eolica@cener.com) to be evaluated by a panel of independent senior investigators. The final approval to select the experiments will be issued by the Technical Committee. The evaluation period will take four weeks. Start of the Grant will be within 2 months after the projects are granted.

The experiments will be performed, finalised and final reports issued by December 2017. 

4. Selection procedure for proposals

All the proposals will be contracted with the eligibility criteria described in the Rules & Conditions document to determine Go/NoGo to the next step.

The eligible proposals will be evaluated and scored. This step will be done by a panel of independent experts appointed by CENER. The technical evaluation will be done according to the criteria in Table 1 and the grading scale in Table 2.

Then, the proposals with highest scores will be presented to the Technical Committee for the final approval.

Table 1: Technical evaluation criteria

 Quality, innovative aspects and credibility of the experiment. Enhancing national programmes aligned with European targets Overall coherence and effectiveness of the work plan including appropriateness of the allocation of tasks and resources. 
Higher number of institutions participating and combining several research facilities in the same experiment. Creating larger collaborative net for common objectives. Powering synergies among Research Infrastructures (RI).  Increasing the technical capacity of research groups plus novel validation methodologies by using combined RI.
Clarity and quality of knowledge sharing among the participants in light of the experiments proposed. To improve complementarity among national research programs and European programs   Suitability of the management structure and procedures, including quality management and risk management.
 Quality of test procedures, data collection and results format Effectiveness of the proposed measures for open access of the results  Competences, experience and complementarity of the participating organizations and institutional commitment
 Weight: 50%, 1st priority at ex equo Weight: 30%, 2st priority at ex equo   Weight: 20%, 3st priority at ex equo

Grade 0-3
Threshold: 2

Grade 0-3
Threshold: 2

Grade 0-3
Threshold: 2

Table 2: Grading score for each proposal

 0  Out of scope
 1  Sufficient
 2  Good
 3  Excellent

5. Application Form

To submit proposal fill in this application form. (Please notice that there has been made some small modifications to the form on point 7. Project description and General rules in the Appendix, January 18 2017)

Deadlines and conditions

Call opens: 15th of December 2016


Deadline for submission: 15th of February 2017


Evaluation proces finalised: 15th of March 2017


Maximum grant size
Joint Experiments: 150,000€
Open Data Sets: 50,000€


Application material

Please find the templates to be filled out here:


Application form (.docx) 
Budget template (.xlsx)


Also view the document:


2nd Call for Joint Experiments
Rules and Conditions


Specific questions about the call:

 Antonio Ugarte, CENER Antonio Ugarte

Technical questions regarding the online form:

18 JANUARY 2025