The first call on IRPWind Research Infrastructure is now closed.
The application shall be submitted online using the online Application Template
For detailed information, please read the document: "Rules and Conditions".
1. Eligibility criteria - open for IRPWind organizations
- The call is open only for consortia of organizations, that are partners in IRPWind.
- The minimum number of partners for a consortium is two.
- The topics for the joint experiments are three, corresponding to the following existing networks within the EERA Sub Programme Research Infrastructure:
- Research Wind Turbines (RWT) - Coordinated by Dr. Chong Ng / Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult.
- Wind Tunnels (WT) - Coordinated by Dr. Stephan Barth / ForWind - Center for Wind Energy research.
- Grid Integration (GI) - Coordinated by Dr. Jose Luis Dominguez / IREC - Catalonia Institute for Energy Research.
2. Funding Model
A Budget must be formulated and provided using a Budget Template.
The grant will cover the following expenses. However, the FP7 rules will overrule the project-specific funding rules.
- Cost of the infrastructures (O&M and other direct costs, auditable).
- Equipment used for the experiment (depreciation according to FP7 rules)
- Person Month exclusively dedicated to execute the experiment, considering all the tasks necessary to design, set and perform the experiment. Person Month related to research activities will NOT be accepted.
- Materials and consumables for the experiments, including auxiliary items specific for the experiment.
- Expenses to organize a Final Workshop where the experiment and results will be presented to the EERAJP Wind community.
- Shipping of specific equipment related to the experiments.
- Travel expenses to and from the experiment location.
The Maximum amount per experiment is 150.000€.
3. Evaluation procedure of the applications
- The eligible proposals will be evaluated and scored by relevant Network Coordinator and two independent experts appointed by the Work Package Coordinator: CENER.
- The evaluation will be done according to the criteria in Table 1 and the grading scale in Table 2.
- The proposals with highest scores above threshold will be presented to the Technical Committee, “see document Rule and Conditions” for final approval.
Table 1. Evaluation criteria.
Table 2. Grading score for each proposal.
4. Time schedule of the evaluation procedure
- Results of the evaluation: within 6 weeks from the application deadline.
- Start of the grant: within three months from the approval.
5. Application form
The application form must be downloaded from the IRPWIND homepage and submitted online.
Outline of the project description (maximum length 7 pages excluding Tables and figures):
1. Introduction
- Research topics and originality.
- Work packages.
- Complementarities and Synergy amongst partners.
- Technological Readiness Level (TRL) of the proposed concept.
- Description of links to relevant EERA Sub Programmes (SP) and/or IRPWIND Core Projects (CP).
- Description of the experience of both, Users and Access provider in these types of experiments.
- Definition of Key Performance Indicators, KPIs.
2. Description of national projects aligned to the proposed activities in both the sending and the receiving institution
- Description of national projects from the User institution.
- Description of national projects from the Access provider institution.
- Foreseen European added value of the joint alignment of both institutions.
3. Work Plan
- Gantt Diagram (phases, start, duration).
- Deliverables and milestones tables.
4. Description of the Research Facility where the experiment will be performed
The assistance and services related to the Access that will be required from the Access Provider (owner of the Research Infrastructure) in terms of local staff and/or devices.
Full details of any necessary materials including samples, specifying whether they shall be provided by the User or by the Access provider.
Any potential risk(s) related to the Access.
5. Dissemination and Transfer of Knowledge (TOK) to other IRP and EERA Wind participants
- Explain the Transfer of Knowledge (ToK) and dissemination strategies.
- Plan of future collaboration with other IRPWind/EERA partners.
6. Expected results:
- Databases, Methodologies and/or Best practices obtained within the project results.
- Expected advancement of the Knowledge and Technology after the results are obtained.
- Assessment of the Key Performance Indicators, KPIs.
7. CVs of relevant persons
- Each institution must provide up to 4 CVs of relevant persons.
- All CVs from all Institutions must be included in one document and uploaded in a different file.
Winning proposal will be asked to submit the following documents:
- Proof of any required insurances.
- The declaration to abide by the rules and regulations of EERA JP WIND for example related to confidentiality, intellectual property rules, Access rights, dissemination of results etc.
6. Procedure after the completion of the grant
- A final report will be due within one month of the completion of the grant. The report must be filled and submitted online.
- The final report will be reviewed by the panel that evaluated the proposal (The coordinator of the most relevant sub-programme and 2 chosen from the pool of reviewers).
- The evaluation of the panel approval will be within 2 weeks of receiving the report.
- The sum remainder of the grant will be issued after the approval of the final report and the submission of the questionnaire.
7. Final report template (max 4 pages, ex. tables & figures)
The Final Report must be submitted online at the IRPWIND homepage.
Outline of the final report template:
- Description of the work and major results.
- Compliance to the expected results, Key Performance indicators KPIs and the advancement of Technological Readiness Level accorrding to the application.
- Description of the benefit for the IRPWind and EERA programme.
- Future perspectives.
- Future research.
- Availability of databases and the level of openness to other parties.
- Expected publications and
- Dissemination activities.
The whole procedure MUST be completed within December 2016