Benchmark of models
The design of offshore wind turbines and their support structures is a challenging task considering the wide range of site and operational conditions that account for different water depths, soil types and met-oceanic conditions. The complete integrated system includes models for external met-oceanic conditions (wind, wave and currents), aerodynamics, hydrodynamics and soil-structure interaction. These models are coupled to drive the wind turbine components and control system resulting in a very complex dynamic system. The credibility of a model is built upon two essential principles of model evaluation: verification and validation. This work package will focus on the validation phase, which determines the degree to which the model is an accurate representation of the real world from the perspective of the intended uses of the model. By benchmarking various state-of-the-art design codes against measurements it will be possible to pinpoint their accuracy and range of applicability. The process will also allow identifying knowledge gaps and end-user
The overall objectives of WP 6.2 are:
1. Definition of an integrated model evaluation protocol with focus on support structure models
2. Definition of suitable test cases for validation
3. Carry out benchmarking of design codes for relevant load conditions
4. Knowledge gap and user guidelines definition
WP6.2 stands as an interface between WP6.1 and WP6.3, making the link between data assimilation and model development and simulation - based on the available data from WP6.1, WP6.2, benchmarking activities will assess performance and highlight the areas for improvement that will be considered by developers in WP6.3.